Join Bruin Ventures

Every year, Bruin Ventures carefully selects a few analysts with the necessary qualities to be an integral member in the growth of our club: a committed work ethic, a goal-oriented mindset, and more than anything, the passion to learn and grow. Becoming a member of BV is a hands-on professional and social learning experience that cannot be matched in the classroom.

Applications for our Winter 2024 cycle have closed.

Fill out our Interest Form!

Fill out our interest form to receive updates about our recruitment events, deadlines, and more.

Our Training Program

A new member’s first quarter will consist of an academically rigorous curriculum designed to introduce the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, venture capital, and other important skills (resume preparation, public-speaking, cold/warm emailing, etc.). Each week’s events will follow a schedule filled with hands-on and project-based assignments, workshops, social outings, and a speaker series.

In addition to academic programs, socials, and professional events, our organization aims to ensure each member has plenty of support through our mentorship program. This program pairs at least one senior member with each new associate member to be a guide and resource for years to come.

For more information, details, or questions, reach out to our directors of recruitment, and we will gladly help in any way we can!

Co-Director of Recruitment: Sharlene Chen


Co-Director of Recruitment: Anusha Chatterjee



  • No, BV welcomes and encourages students from all majors to apply. In fact, current members come from many different majors, and it is one of the things that makes BV so great.

  • We completely understand that for many freshmen the concept of a resume can be very new. To start, we have provided a guide to building a resume. We also strongly recommend taking a look at UCLA’s career guide for more resume building tips.

  • BV seeks applicants who are motivated, driven, and share a passion for startups and VC. Be ready to talk about who you are, why you are interested in BV, and what makes you a qualified candidate. And most importantly, just be yourself!

  • First of all, congratulations on submitting your application. Now you can take a short breather. We will contact you soon and notify you on if you have made it to the next round in the application process.‍

  • Applicants must submit a resume as well as answer two prompts. If accepted, applicants will go through a “coffee chat” style group interview and then an additional problem-solving group interview. After this, there is one more final interview where applicants will be paired with two board members.

  • Not only can you apply to BV more than once, but we encourage it. It is not uncommon for members to apply twice or even three times.